
Small Seminars on Big Changes to the Practice of Selling Package Travel and Linked Travel Arrangements

Are you a tour operator, travel agency, hotel, transportation company; tour guide, or other business owner in the tourism sector who is not familiar with the details of the amendment to Act 159/1999 Coll., or do not know how it applies to your business? Are you unsure about whether you need to obtain a license for linked travel arrangements, or if you can continue selling and providing without one as you always have? Do you know what to change in your general terms and conditions and other contracts to be compliant with the law? Do you understand the meaning of the so-called “forms” and where to place them in the order process?

You will get answers to these questions and many more at the following seminars hosted by Holubová advokáti:

Wednesday June 20, 8:30am – 10:30am 
Wednesday June 27, 8:30am - 10:30am 

Za Poříčskou bránou 21, Praha 8 
2500 CZK (2066 CZK without VAT) per person

Apply ahead of time at

5 reasons why participate:

- Specialized seminar

- Real-world orientation

- Small groups of up to 10 people

- Seminars led exclusively by long-term specialists in the field - Klára Dvořáková

- We´ll answer your questions

Jasper Brinkman

I would like to acknowledge the extraordinary efforts the firm had to make to bring our case to a successful compensation under extremely difficult circumstances.


'No one has done as much for me as you,' Eva said. We helped our client get compensation for her damaged health after a car accident abroad.

Livingstone, Tour Operator

Thank you again for your valuable advice. I breathe better when I know who to turn to.
Jitka Popelková, Managing Director

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