
An accident abroad caused Eva to receive a personal injury worth CZK 7 m

An unexpected event can completely alter your life. Eva was en route to visit her daughter in London when she entered a crossing and was struck by a car. A prolonged treatment ensued, and despite Eva's courage, numerous health complications are likely to persist for the remainder of her life. How can lawyers assist in such circumstances?

Eva reached out to us through an organization that was temporarily aiding her in managing her challenging living situation. At the time, she had no income, relying solely on subsistence payments. We assisted her because we specialize in personal injury and have established connections with reputable colleagues abroad.

We engaged the services of the UK law firm Stewarts to assist us in this case. Attorneys Klára Dvořáková and Rebecca Huxford aided Eva in documenting her case, elucidating her options, and explaining the disparities between the Czech and British healthcare and social benefits reimbursement systems.

Within a few months, thanks to the seamless cooperation between the two law firms, an offer of compensation from the insurance company, totaling approximately seven million Czech crowns, was secured. The client accepted this settlement to avoid dealing with courts in the UK.

Subsequently, we assisted the client with related tax issues and enlisted the services of the tax consultancy firm Auditone, which facilitated the filing of a tax return. Compensation for loss of earnings is taxable, unlike most personal injury compensation.

"No one has done as much for me as you," Eva expressed.

The fact that we were able to aid Eva lends meaning to our work and brings us immense joy. We are delighted that, owing to our many years of active involvement in the international professional organization PEOPIL, we can collaborate on such cases.


'No one has done as much for me as you,' Eva said.

Livingstone, Tour Operator

Thank you again for your valuable advice. I breathe better when I know who to turn to.

Jitka Popelková, Managing Director

Anders Thorsen Advokatanpartsselskab

It has been an absolute pleasure to work with you.

Anders Thorsen, Partner, Advocate

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