
Coronadvice 12 - You can use your home office to manage things that usually must be performed at the municipal office: communicate electronically

Users can set up a data box or electronic signature so they are not required to go to municipal offices or to the post office. A data box and an electronic signature is the equivalent of a signature on paper, and in some cases, even a certified signature.

With a data box, users do not have to rely on mail delivery to address any issues, and will not miss any official correspondence. Sending messages via a data box is always free. The good news is that for the duration of the emergency, sending messages via data box is completely free for everyone, including private individuals and businesses.

By law, only businesses are required to set up data boxes, but individuals can set up them voluntarily. The establishment of a data box for individuals or self-employed persons can be requested online on the data box client portal via eObčanka. Another possibility of processing an application is in person at Czech POINT, i.e., at most post offices. At Czech POINT, the applicant’s identity will be verified according to the submitted document(s). The applicant will immediately receive a confirmation of the establishment of their data box. Setting up a data box is free of charge. For receiving data messages, we recommend application Datovka available from the national domain administrator .CZ. It works just like a client's email account, and can manage multiple accounts at once.

If you have a data box, the authorities are only obliged to deliver communication to it. The data box, and consequently the message sent through, it is automatically signed. It is the equivalent of an electronic signature. Most things can be done electronically and the user does not have to take any additional steps. The advantage of a data box is that the user can set to receive notifications of new messages to their email, which is free of charge; or to a mobile number, which is chargeable.

If you have a data box, the authorities are only obliged to deliver communication to it. The data box, and consequently the message sent through, it is automatically signed. It is the equivalent of an electronic signature. Most things can be done electronically and the user does not have to take any additional steps. The advantage of a data box is that the user can set to receive notifications of new messages to their email, which is free of charge; or to a mobile number, which is chargeable.

Another possibility of electronic communication is the establishment of an electronic signature. This signature can also be obtained at Czech POINT, and is handled similarly to a data box. At the counter, the applicant’s identity is verified, a contract is signed, entered into the PostSygnum system (Czech Post), and a certificate is issued.

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