2024: Our achievements

What have we achieved in 2024? We've handled many interesting and routine client cases, successfully taking on and concluding them. We've thrived, living up to our motto of being the office others emulate. In addition, we organised two internationally acclaimed conferences, conducted training sessions, gave lectures, sent newsletters, appeared in the media, and kept our online presence active. We've also embraced further technological advancements, which for our office, often cited as a model, is practically a duty! This is how we planned our 2024, and it paid off — except for the traditionally intense work periods of June and December, we even managed not to overheat completely.
Brief Recap:
- For our personal injury clients, we secured compensation in the tens of millions of crowns. More importantly, most of our cases involved international elements — exactly where we want to be!
- For the first time in the Czech Republic, we successfully obtained extraordinary reimbursement of TTF funds for treating aggressive brain cancer (glioblastoma).
- We advised travel agencies and bureaus in nearly 250 matters, from comprehensive consulting on the establishment, and contract preparation to handling complaints and urgent inquiries. With 252 working days in 2024, it's fair to say we dealt with travel law every single day!
- We now serve as data protection officers for 35 schools, increasingly sought after for practical solutions. Consequently, alongside Bakaláři, we've prepared webinars for school management throughout 2025. More information here.
- We achieved a conviction in the case of two deceased climbers, representing the families of the victims. The second defendant has appealed. Always choose professional guides for paid tours — more details here.
- We successfully petitioned the Supreme Court to overturn a general measure that restricted pedestrian crossings between a station and a town over a busy road, as part of our ongoing advocacy for better conditions for pedestrians and cyclists.
- Our partner Štěpán Holub received recognition in the Private Client category from Lexology (formerly Who's Who Legal) and discussed his work in private client services in Wealth magazine.
- Our partner Klára Dvořáková received the Gerald Heifetz Award for her contributions to tourism and was listed among the TOP 100 women in Czech legal business for 2025 (Týdeník Euro).
- We co-organized the PEOPIL International Annual Conference in Prague on compensation claims, attended by 150 lawyers worldwide. More here.
- Together, we organized the STEP International Conference on trusts, foundations, and estate management, featuring experts from 11 countries and the ceremonial opening of the STEP branch for the Czech Republic and Slovakia. More information here.
- We collaborated on the creation of Crisis Management Handbooks for tourism and Unfair Business Practices in tourism with several government bodies and the Association of Czech Travel Agencies. We also updated the model terms and conditions for ACK members.
- For the fifth year, we've been using specialized task management software traditionally known in IT firms. Our proficiency was acknowledged by the system's developers in an interview.
- In 2024, we had the honour of hosting international interns from Sweden, Portugal, Germany, and Spain at our office.
The achievements we're most proud of are typically covered by attorney-client privilege or other agreed-upon confidentiality.
This holds for 2024, and we have big plans for 2025, which we'll share publicly in due course.
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Jasper Brinkman
Jasper Brinkman
"Following a devastating hotel fire in Prague, the law firm Holubová advokáti, led by attorney Klara Dvorakova, successfully represented our extended family as a group of victims. The firm navigated complex international insurance and compensation laws to defend our rights.
I would like to acknowledge the extraordinary efforts the firm had to make to bring our case to a successful compensation under extremely difficult circumstances."
"A visit to her daughter in London turned Eva's life upside down when she says she stepped into a crossing on a green light but was hit by a car. Despite her remarkable bravery, she faced a long treatment due to fractures in her pelvis, and the associated limitations and pain are likely to persist for the rest of her life. Regular headaches and impaired concentration compound her challenges.
Eva contacted us through an organization temporarily helping her manage her difficult living situation. At that time, she was destitute, relying only on subsistence payments. We were able to assist her because we specialize in personal injury and have contacts with proven colleagues abroad.
We worked with Stewarts, a UK law firm, on this case. Attorneys Klára Dvořáková and Rebecca Huxford helped Eva with the documentation in her case, explaining her options and the differences between the Czech and British systems of healthcare and social benefits reimbursement. Within a few months, thanks to the professional cooperation between the two offices, an offer of compensation from the insurance company of approximately CZK seven million was achieved. The client accepted this settlement because she did not want to deal with courts in the United Kingdom.
Subsequently, we assisted the client with related tax issues and contacted Auditone, a tax consultancy firm, which arranged for the filing of a tax return. Compensation for lost income is taxable, unlike most personal injury compensation.
'No one has done as much for me as you,' Eva said.
The fact that we were able to help Eva gives our work meaning and brings us great joy. We are very happy that, thanks to our many years of active involvement in the international professional organization PEOPIL, we can cooperate on such cases."