
Coronadvice 11 – Will the new nursing allowance help entrepreneurs?

Nursing allowance. Even today it is applied in the same way- when one parent has nothing to do at work and the other is busy. The parent who has “time off” stays at home with the child, helps the child with learning, cares and cooks for the child, and accordingly receives nursing allowance. For example, if a tour operator employee asks for nursing at the time of zero orders, the tour operator can afford to relax a little. The state is paying the nursing allowance, not the employer.

The nursing allowance is the sickness insurance benefit that a parent receives if he or she stays at home with the sick child so-called “per paragraph”. The Sickness Insurance Act makes it possible to receive nursing allowance even if the school is closed due to an emergency measure in the event of an epidemic. Yesterday, March 25, 2020, the Senate approved changes in nursing allowance, which will apply for the duration of crisis measures, i.e. during the closure of schools and kindergartens.

Nursing allowance during the crisis measures can cover all sickness insurance employees who are caring for a child under 13, whose school or kindergarten is closed. Nursing allowance during the crisis measures does not cover self-employed persons (even though an MIT program is under preparation that should introduce this possibility also for them), and persons working on a work performance agreement or an agreement on work activity. The amount of the benefit is 60% of the reduced daily assessment base, drawn for each calendar day, including Saturdays and Sundays, and paid by the Czech Social Security Administration. Nursing allowance is not limited to a maximum number of days. Parents can take turns nursing, and apply for nursing allowance separately. Nursing allowance is also not dependent on the number of children.

The law is yet to be signed by the President before it can be published in the Collection of Laws, after which publication it will come into effect for “coronavirus” nursing allowance. This process is likely to happen within a few days. Current information can be found on the MoLSA website.

And what is better for employers? When his employee is receiving nursing allowance, or working and using the Antivirus program, which pays part of their employees' wages? We will inform you about this in the coming days.

Jasper Brinkman

I would like to acknowledge the extraordinary efforts the firm had to make to bring our case to a successful compensation under extremely difficult circumstances.


'No one has done as much for me as you,' Eva said. We helped our client get compensation for her damaged health after a car accident abroad.

Livingstone, Tour Operator

Thank you again for your valuable advice. I breathe better when I know who to turn to.
Jitka Popelková, Managing Director

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